Assessment, Mapping and Prediction of Land use/Land Cover Changes and Urban Sprawl in the Ho Municipality of Ghana

P. E. Baffoe, C. B. Boye


Land use/land cover (LULC) changes and urban sprawl are now complicated concepts on the Earth's surface due to global urbanisation, which also impacts the natural environment, the economy, and social systems. LULC analyses have emerged as one of the essential techniques for tracking and analysing the effects of urbanisation. In this study, the LULC changes of the Ho Municipality in Ghana were evaluated using remote sensing (with Landsat data from 2000 to 2020) and GIS techniques in order to categorise the different types of land use/cover, quantify and predict the rate at which the changes are occurring, and also evaluate the impact of urban sprawl over the study area. The supervised classification algorithm generated suitable LULC maps from the Landsat 7 ETM+ image (2000) and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS image (2020). Further, Cellular Automata - Markov (CA-Markov) Model was used for predicting LULC changes for 2040. The development in the area has increased from 30.69 km2 to 224.05 km2 during the 2000-2020 period under observation. According to the LULC prediction made with the CA-Markov model, the Municipality's urbanisation could rise from 224.05 km2 to 240.85 km2 between 2020 and 2040. The prediction model predicts that most vegetation covers and bare lands will dramatically decline throughout the observation period 2020–2040, leading to regional urbanisation. These signs may warn the authorities to take action and reduce the effects of possible urban heat islands as land use, and cover changes continue to occur.


Keywords: Cellular Automata, Urban Sprawl, Land Use/Land Cover, Mapping, Prediction


Cellular Automata; Urban Sprawl; Land Use/Land Cover; Mapping; Prediction

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