On the Operation of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors: Damping of Converter-Generated Current Harmonics
AC to AC power electronic converters are deployed in power supply systems to regulate the stator voltage of squirrel cage induction motors in order to control the rotational speed. These converters however, are sources of current harmonics that give rise to voltage harmonics distortions. In this research, a shunt active power filter was deployed to mitigate the effects of the fifth and seventh harmonics generated by the converter which adversely modulate the ideal characteristics of the motor rotational speed, electromagnetic torque and stator current in terms of amplitude and frequency. Simulation results evidenced from speed, torque and stator current waveforms, and also from harmonic spectra show the desirability of use of shunt active power filter in mitigating power electronics converter-generated current harmonics suffered by squirrel cage induction motors.
Keywords: Converter, Current Harmonics, MATLAB/Simulink, Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, Simulation
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