On the Application of Homeomorphism on Amoeba Proteus

David Delali Zigli, Lewis Brew, W. Obeng-Denteh, S. Kwofie


Even though mathematics and biology are seen as different areas of study, it does not dispute the fact that some concepts can be applied on them from one to the other. The term homeomorphism, from the topological field of study, was thoroughly explicated using amoeboid movement.  The topologies ( ) are three-point sets  of amoeba at certain positions on the surface of the X. The initial state of amoeba is the topological space  and the transformed state is . The amoeba in a certain topological space ) is transformed to another topological space , with bi-continuous function   and    such that    ,  . The topological spaces ) and are homeomorphic or topologically equivalent since there is continuous invertible function  with continuous inverse .


Homeomorphism, topological space, Amoeboid movement, bi-continuous function.

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